Multi-Functional Nanomaterial Group
Nanomaterial for enviromental remediation
In addition to energy supply problems, the huge population and fast economic development of emerging countries have introduced issues of pollution and waste disposal. In particular, the growing concern about environmental issues in the global world have significantly boosted the attention towards “green” and renewable techniques for the purification of both air and wastewater. In this regard, considerable efforts have been devoted to semiconductor photocatalysis for the degradation of nitrogen oxides in air and various pollutants in water, with high potential harm to wildlife and human health.  
With regard to such topics, the MFN group has a long experience in the fabrication of supported oxide-based nanostructures as highly active photocatalysts based on TiO2, Ag- and Au-TiO2, ZnO, Fe2O3, Fe2O3-TiO2 and b-MnO2 nanomaterials in different forms. The target systems are designed, fabricated and characterized in detail with particular regard to their structure, chemical composition, morphology. The synthetic protocols are optimized to control the material spatial organization of the target oxide materials and their characteristics in terms of surface area, chemical reactivity and long-term stability. After the achievement of such goals, attention is dedicated to functional tests in the removal of solid, liquid and gaseous phase pollutants, activated by UV, Vis and simulated solar light. The ultimate aim of the present research activities is the development of supported photocatalysts for real-world applications in wastewater treatment, air quality control and self-cleaning systems for a variety of end-uses, from windows to portable devices.