TPD - XPS UHV system
© Tomasz Kosmala
This custom-made TPD-XPS system has been designed for catalysis studies and is equipped with: 
- VT manipulator (from 110 to 1000 K), x, y, z and θ (from 0° to 180° and from 0° to -180°) sample movement; 
- Hidden Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer for Temperature Programmed Desorption (TPD) measurements (closest distance to the sample = 1 mm); 
- Omicron DAR 400 double anode (Mg-Al) X-Ray source; 
- VG CLAM 2 hemispherical photoelectron analyzer (100 mm mean radius) ending with a single channeltron; 
- Omicron 4-Grid SPECTALEED; 
- Omicron ISE 5 Ion Source; 
- Omicron EFM 3/4 e-beam metal evaporator, water cooled.