Angle resolved-XPS - XPD UHV system
- High precision VT manipulator (RT – 1000 K) capable of x,y,z translations, polar rotation (around the manipulator axis itself) and azimuthal rotation (around the normal to the sample surface) with an angle resolution better than 0.5°.
- VG hemispherical electron analyzer (150 mm mean radius) ending with a five channeltron detector whose angular acceptance can be varied between 1° and 8° by using different kinds of slits and acting on an iris. This, in association with the motion capabilities of the manipulator, allows the mapping of the intensity of a selected photoemission line over the entire 2pi hemisphere above the sample (XPD capability). The analyzer can operate both in constant analyzer energy mode (XPS experiments) and constant retard ratio mode (AES measurements).
- Omicron DAR 400 double anode (Mg-Al) X-Ray source
- Omicron VUV HIS 13 UV source (He I and He II) for valence band measurements
- Omicron 4-Grid SPECTALEED
- VG EX03 Ion Gun System
- SPECS EBE-4 e-beam triple metal evaporator, water cooled