Special Issue of Solid State Ionics

Submission of papers to the Special Issue of “Solid State Ionics”

A Special Issue of the journal “Solid State Ionics” (publisher: Elsevier; URL: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/solid-state-ionics , ISSN: 0167-2738, Impact Factor = 2.380) will be dedicated to the scientific contents presented at the SSI-21 Conference. All manuscripts submitted to the Special Issue by SSI-21 attendees will undergo the normal “peer-review” process for the journal. This will create a high-impact volume that will become a highly cited modern reference for the solid state Ionics community.

We strongly encourage and invite all SSI-21 participants to submit an original article to be considered for publication in this Special Issue as early as possible starting from 26 June 2017, to ensure that this Special Issue can be published as soon as possible by April 2018.

Plenary, Keynote and Invited Speakers are invited to submit feature articles, or minireviews of up to 10-12 journal pages. Regular submissions to the SSI-21 Special Issue consist instead of articles of about 4-6 journal pages long.

A rough guideline is the following: 1 page without figures is about 1200 words, and for a "normal" figure (covering about 1/6 of the page) 200 words should be subtracted. So 6 printed pages correspond to 7200 words (including references) with 200 words subtracted for each figure.

Timeline for SSI-21 Special Issue

Conference: 18-23 June 2017

Submission site opens: 26 June 2017

Submission site closes: 15 September 2017

All final decisions completed: End of February 2018

Manuscripts will be published online (with doi number) as soon as accepted.

The online version of the SSI-21 Special Issue will be available as open-access for one year after the complete publication of the issue.

Special Issue Editor: Prof. Vito Di Noto, SSI-21 Conference Chairman