Instructions for Authors


Duration of the presentations

All talks, including plenary, keynote, invited and regular oral contributions

The following equipment is available:

Presenting authors are invited to bring their presentations on a USB flash drive in order to load it easily on the laptop which is present in each session room. It is the responsibility of the authors to make sure that their presentation can be opened by the available software (i.e., Microsoft Office Power Point 2013). Both 4:3 and 16:9 formats are accepted.

Presenting authors can use their own laptop only on request to the Chairmen of their session. In this case, it is the responsibility of the author to verify the laptop/projector compatibility; this check must be done before the start of the session.

Poster presentations

The maximum size for a poster is 80 cm (width) x 120 cm (height). The poster board will be full white board. Pins are not allowed. Please use tape. Authors should be present at their poster for discussion with attendees during the session. Subsequently, it is each author’s responsibility to remove his/her poster. Organizers assume no responsibility for posters left up after each poster session.

