Giulia Bragaggia
Università degli Studi di Padova
Via Marzolo, 1
35131 - Padova (PD)
Room: 00215 00054
Phone: +39 049 827 5045
Curriculum vitae
Giulia Bragaggia is currently a PhD student of the PhD Program in "Molecular Science" of the University of Padova of Prof. Silvia Gross' workgroup. Her research is focused on the revalorization processes of Electric Arc Furnace steelmaking slags (EAF-slags) in collaboration with Departments of Industrial Engineering and Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering (DII and DICEA), and with Politecnico di Milano. Born in Mestre (VE, Italy) in 1992, Giulia Bragaggia studied at the University of Ca' Foscari in Venice, where she obtained both her Bachelor degree in Industrial Chemistry (2015) and Master degree in Science and Technology of Bio- and Nanomaterials (2018). Starting 2019 she has been working as a graduate fellow in the workgroup of Prof. Silvia Gross following the sol-gel and hydrothermal synthesis of functional oxides, for several types of applications, in collaboration with Italcementi S.p.A.