Rampino, S.; Zerbetto, M.; Polimeno, A. The Roto-Conformational Diffusion Tensor as a Tool to Interpret Molecular Flexibility. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2023, 25, 14822–14835. Campeggio,…
Bortoli, M.; Campeggio, J.; Orian, L.; Zerbetto, M.; Polimeno, A. Parameter Free Evaluation of SN2 Reaction Rates for Halide Substitution in Halomethane. Phys. Chem. Chem.…
Rampino, S.; Zerbetto, M.; Polimeno, A. Stochastic Modelling Of 13C Nmr Spin Relaxation Experiments in Oligosaccharides. Molecules 2021, 26, 2418. Dattola, G.; Zerbetto, M. Insights…
Mendelman, N.; Zerbetto, M.; Buck, M.; Meirovitch, E. Conformational Entropy from Mobile Bond Vectors in Proteins: A Viewpoint That Unifies NMR Relaxation Theory and Molecular…
Mendelman, N.; Zerbetto, M.; Buck, M.; Meirovitch, E. Local Ordering at the N-H Sites of the Rho GTPase Binding Domain of Plexin-B1: Impact of Dimerization.…
Perazzolo, V.; Brandiele, R.; Durante, C.; Zerbetto, M.; Causin, V.; Rizzi, G. A.; Cerri, I.; Granozzi, G.; Gennaro, A. Density Functional Theory (DFT) and Experimental…
Righetto, M.; Privitera, A.; Fortunati, I.; Mosconi, D.; Zerbetto, M.; Curri, M. L.; Corricelli, M.; Moretto, A.; Agnoli, S.; Franco, L.; Bozio, R.; Ferrante, C.…
Pozzi, N.; Zerbetto, M.; Acquasaliente, L.; Tescari, S.; Frezzato, D.; Polimeno, A.; Gohara, D. W.; di Cera, E.; de Filippis, V. Loop Electrostatics Asymmetry Modulates…
Piserchia, A.; Zerbetto, M.; Frezzato, D. Probing the Conformational Energetics of Alkyl Thiols on Gold Surfaces by Means of a Morphing/Steering Non-Equilibrium Tool. Phys. Chem.…
Mazzier, D.; Maran, M.; Polo Perucchin, O.; Crisma, M.; Zerbetto, M.; Causin, V.; Toniolo, C.; Moretto, A. Photoresponsive Supramolecular Architectures Based on Polypeptide Hybrids. Macromol.…