Abstract submission
Call for abstracts
Participants wishing to present a scientific contribution, oral or poster, must submit a single-page abstract by e-mail to cespc6@chimica.unipd.it . Abstracts must be written in English following the format given in the abstract template, available below. The Advisory Board will survey the submissions and will select speakers for talks of 20 minutes and poster contributions from the submitted abstracts. Conference papers (up to 8 pages) for the conference proceedings are expected to be prepared after the abstract acceptance notification. The Scientific Committee will select a limited number of contributions for publication in special issue dedicated to CESPC-6 in The European Physical Journal - Applied Physics. Go to Call for papers for additional information and template download.
Poster presentations
Poster size: The posting boards are 140 cm (width) x 100 cm (heigth). Within these limits, Authors are free to choose their poster size and format.