
Advanced inorganic materials: green and unconventional synthesis approaches and functional assessment

Department of Chemical Sciences - Padova, September 8th, 2017

This Workshop (promoted and patronised by University College of London (UK), by the Department of Chemical Sciences of the University of Padova, by the two Doctoral Courses of the Department, by ICMATE-CNR, by INSTM and SILS) intends to present to students and experienced researchers the main features and potentialities of unconventional and/or green synthesis approaches for the preparation of advanced inorganic materials. Focus will be also devoted to the assessment of the functional properties of this class of materials.
The presentations (among which 4 key-notes) will mainly have an introductory and didactical scope, and will be prevalently conceived with in mind an audience of Ph.D. students and researchers who do not yet employ these methods, but are interested in discovering the potential and research outlooks they can unlock. Additionally, several examples relative to specific sectors (life sciences, catalysis, sensors etc.) will be illustrated by talks selected based on the submitted abstracts

Abstract submission deadline:

15th July 2017