Giornate dell’Elettrochimica Italiana
GEI 2019

8-12 September 2019 Padova, Italy

Home Abstract Submission Registration Important Dates Venue & Location

The Italian Electrochemical Division is warmly inviting you to join its traditional meeting, the 21st Italian Electrochemical Meeting "Giornate dell’Elettrochimica Italiana - GEI 2019" to be held in Padova from 8 to 12 September 2019.
The meeting will be host in the congress center inside the magnificent Botanical Garden of Padova inscribed on the World Heritage List as a cultural good since 1997. It is the oldest existing university botanical garden in the world and It represents the birth of science, of scientific exchanges, and of the awareness of the relationship between nature and culture. It gave a great contribution to the development of many modern scientific disciplines, notably botany, medicine, chemistry, ecology, and pharmacy. The Botanical Garden hosts some really important species including a dwarf fan palm that was planted in 1585 and is currently its most ancient plant. It has been known as "Goethe’s Palm" since the poet, after observing it in 1786, was inspired to describe his evolutionary theory in his "Essay on the Metamorphosis of Plants", published in 1790.

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